Thursday, September 26, 2013

The Tag Artist, in one Afternoon...or two

If I didn't know any better, I would've thought I was up to some serious mayhem when I purchased all of this spray paint, at once, at the Retail Giant.

I had been inspired by something from Pottery Barn, so I took some skeletal hands from Michael's ($1.99 for 12, use a coupon if you remember), some ecru paint, and a basic bowl from the 99 cent store.  And super glue.  Use super glue.  Nothing else.  Trust me.  You trust me, right?

But unfortunately, not all projects and ideas work out.  No matter how well executed.

By the way, I forgot that Styrofoam has a tendency to do ugly things once sprayed with paint.  You don't need to see their mangled faces of deformity.

Now, I'm not supposed to breathe in spray paint, not even be around it, so I decided to do all of the projects at once, as well as a mirror and a couple other things, just to act like I only did one project.  We'll also pretend I haven't had multiple chalkboard projects, that old gold curtain rod I spray painted bronze, and any other projects I've done since moving in.


Of course, as soon as I painted him, I found one I liked better, without a lone eyeball and a Terminator appearance.

Also, I've been wanting one of those awesome ticket holders that all the Pinterestese seem to have.  And I wanted my own.  So imagine my excitement when I went to Michael's for a shadow bow, and found out they have them with slots!  And they were 50% off.  I could've paid $5 for a slotless one, but it was worth the $10 for this one.  Then it was time to design it.  And I had a hard time finding what I wanted.  And after I bought some things, I found this simple sheet of scrapbook paper at Hobby Lobby, vintage ticket design, and just like that, I didn't have a use for anything else.  I couldn't have made it better.

Also while there, I had an additional brilliant idea.  I was wanting to make a sign for The Redhead's bathroom, and while the idea involved vintage wood pieces, I saw this scrapbook paper, and it hit me...

It's not perfect because I only had two sheets.  And the first time I attempted to use a chalk marker, which is why you see white splotches.  Then I used the second piece of paper, and it didn't fit.  So I tried it on the paper with the white, and although I actually needed smaller stencils, it works.  The Redhead didn't want me to make another one.  I already had the frame, and although that's not a mat, it's just on top of the white, it really works.  I added more splotches to make it appear deliberate. Mister Man thought it was part of the design.  No...but it is now.

Yeah, I have all sorts of projects in the works.

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