Sunday, July 21, 2013

The Arrival

As much as I want to believe all we need for this to be our home is us, I know that's a crock....

But we could have gone with a traditional moving company and had our stuff a lot sooner, but that was going to cost us thousands more.  And after I added it all up, it wasn't worth it.  We could use new beds anyhow.  Some new furniture.  We could definitely stand to get rid of A LOT.  So we did.  It wasn't pretty and buying new isn't always easy for someone frugal like me who only likes to buy new if she finds a fabulous deal she can't refuse.  But if we're going to start anew in California, I needed to keep an open mind and do what was best for all of us.  Don't get the wrong idea though. I'm still going to whine a bit in the next month or two (or nine) and I'm still bitter over some the items we had to leave behind at the last minute.

But the stuff we could bring is finally here, and I can finally see if I packed the right things.

  Or if I just packed more stuff that will need to go.

Can you tell towards the end we just shoved all we could in?  Of course you can.


And less than 24 hours after it arrived, it is completely empty.  But now the true madness begins.

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