Monday, July 29, 2013


I should have never answered the door.

They found me.  And the moment they met me, they knew they had me.  Because I can't say "no."  Or "no thank you."  Or "we're not interested."  I'm incapable of saying any of that.  They talked with me for a bit, asked about where we moved from, told me I'm so much nicer than other people in the neighborhood.  I couldn't interrupt them and admit I'm just as antisocial as everybody else, just as uninterested in their relgious propaganda.  Instead, I just stood there and nodded today and wished and wished for a "No Soliciting" sign; only to discover later that the house actually came with a big one on the door and Mister Man removed it as soon as he bought the house.  Sure...because he can say "no" to people.  He can tell them to go away.  He can shut the door without feeling guilty.  He can deal with these sorts of situations.

Perhaps that's for the best though because they promised they'll be back.  They promised to return.  And I just couldn't tell that little old lady and her accomplice that they really didn't need to.  I just said, "goodbye."  And now I have to await, dread, their return...and scramble to find a sign.

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