Thursday, July 4, 2013

And so it begins...

Actually, it began in Kansas, shoving whatever we could of our life there in a Packrat storage container, trying to rid our yellow house of our existence before our tenant moved in.

It began in February when Mister Man was first in contact with a Sacramento-based company.

It began in April when he headed out at 3:30am in his car, destined for California.  All the while, my daughter and I were sleeping soundly in our beds, where we would continue to sleep until we followed him to the same destination in June.

It began from the moment I first started packing our books in early May.  That's when you knew this was real.  The books were being packed.  Now we had to be going somewhere.

It began when I had two car fulls of boxes from work.

It began when we found a tenant and met her for the first time in May.

It began in May when I started ordering items for the new house online and had them delivered to Mister Man's office.

It began the night of June 30th at 10pm as we loaded the dogs into the car and finally, finally days later than expected, headed out on our journey to California.

It began today, this day of Independence, when for the first time, The Redhead and I saw the house Mister Man bought here in the suburbs of Sacramento.  A house in an established neighborhood with trees, a house with touches left by an 80 plus year old lady, the only owner, all left for us to change.

Now the adventure really begins.

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