Saturday, July 6, 2013

Don't put her on a pedestal

Sure, she looks innocent.  But do you know what that dog did to The Redhead and I yesterday?  Do you know what she did while Mister Man was at the office and The Redhead and I went to run some errands to buy some items for the house while we wait for our belongings to arrive?  Are you sure you want to know?

She locked us out of the house.  She locked a door we don't even have a key to.  My cell phone was dead, my charger lost somewhere from our travels, so I was phoneless, keyless, awkwardly waving to neighbors I don't know, and angry; standing outside of a house we haven't even known for less than 24 hours, driving in a city we've barely been in (for no more than 24 hours), waiting until the appropriate time to come back home so Mister Man could let us inside.

Only he didn't have a key either.  But that engineer has some mad skills he didn't tell me about in our wedding vows.  He picked the lock with plastic from a Mountain Dew bottle.  And although the story is getting funnier as the hour passes, Fudge's kennel is now officially put back together.  

Her kennel isn't the only thing put together though. The Redhead decided we needed this kitty condo put together, even though we don't have a cat yet. We had bought this and had it sent to the new house, showing The Redhead our commitment to her getting her very own feline companion once we moved to California.  And now that we've finally moved here, she is ready for her cat.  Now.

Eh...we'll at least consider picking up a business card on our way to see a Despicable sequel today.  It'd be more worth our while if we were trading in the mop dog for it.  But until then, Fudge has her kennel back.

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