Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Fish are Fun

The Redhead has been waiting for fish for a while now.  We bought her a tank the beginning of March, actually.  And we finally filled it at the end of May, shortly before her grandparents arrived for a visit.  That tank has been sitting empty all that time.  And then there's the matter of the fish tank stand that's been in her room.  We bought that last year and ordered it before we ever even made it to the house.  I do believe I ordered it from our hotel room in Utah while waiting for our car to be fixed so we could finally make it here.

And well, she had fish in Kansas too and has since she was five or so.  Then we told her we couldn't bring them with us, so I freecycled the whole tank and fish to some strange woman who sent me the most cryptic messages and later claimed the ghost shrimp weren't even in the tank.  I'm not sure what she wanted me to do, after all, we gave her all the fish equipment, food, cleaners, everything.  For free.  I let her know she could give it to someone else, and that ghost shrimp are at most pet stores for 39 cents or so a piece, but she never responded.

The Redhead missed her fish terribly.  Which is why we bought her the fish tank stand so a new tank would go nicely in her room.  I don't have a good reason as to why it took us so long to buy a new tank.  Or why it took another three months to buy fish for it.  I'm all out of excuses.

What I can tell you is this: we told her this week we would get fish.  Hopefully Wednesday.  And it's all I have heard since.  Then she says to me, "you know how you told me we would do a fun thing a day, do fish count as fun?"  I then asked her, "I don't know, do you think they are?"  She enthusiastically agreed and added, "Definitely, especially the first fish," and there we had our fun thing of the day.  Add in an excuse to get to Hallmark for Father's Day cards, Michael's for whatever you buy at Michael's, and finally we made it to Petsmart next door.  For fish.  Who are friends and not food.

It took us almost a year, but we have finally added new fish to our brood. Three ghost shrimp, three neon tetras, a Mickey Mouse platy, a plecostomus, and a blue dwarf gourami.  Even after all of them moved in, the twenty gallon tank looks empty.  Either way, we finally have fish again.  And that's apparently fun.

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