Friday, September 12, 2014

The Actual Redhead Corner; Monster Mayhem

Hello!  I'm the true redhead and I would like to say my new jingle; The redhead, redhead, redhead corner! Okay, that was fun.  Now, let's get down to business.  So, you're probably wondering why on earth I put monster mayhem in the title. That is because of what I would like to do.  So, I'm going to describe three different monsters and if you know my mother (You know, the person who made this blog?) you may text her the answers in the order that they are on here.  And by the way, text her phone, not email.  I repeat, NOT EMAIL!  Okay, so now here is the fun part.  UNLEASH THE KRAKEN!  I meant that as a joke. You know, save the best for last and all yada yada yada, blah blah blah.

 Okay, so here is the first one; it's part snake, eagle, lion, and goat and is from ancient Greece like Medusa.(This should cross Medusa off your list.)  Second is (drum roll please); it's one of the oldest types of monsters and was thought of long ago and enjoys eating human flesh and brains.  Third is (once again, drum roll please); it's my absolute favorite monster ever and they are super epic and they love full moons.

 So, remember to text my mother the answer to each question IN ORDER, so then you will win a thousand dollars!  Okay, I lied.  No money.  But you win the knowledge of knowing what describes those monsters.  I know that's not AS cool as a thousand bucks, but still, that doesn't matter.  You know Star Treck?  You know Spock right?  Well you know what he does?  FORGET.  Do that about the money thing.  Then we will all be happy.

 So let's talk............................................................................................. okay, I've got nothing.  So let's do it like those talk shows.  Goodnight everybody!  Never mind, I don't like that.  That just doesn't represent me.  So I shall do it better.  The Redhead bye jingle; Bye, bye, bye from The Redhead!

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