Friday, September 19, 2014

And the Cat Came Back...

Maybe you know the song, maybe you don't.  But you need to.

Regardless, our friendly neighborhood stray was back at our door tonight, right after a couple neighborhood girls with a friend had stopped by our door.  Much like the stray cat, they've been by before.  Sometimes, they drop by trying to make a couple dollars.  Like tonight, they came by another time this past summer playing some game called, "bigger or better," wanting us to give them something bigger than a penny.  Like the time before, we sent them away with a quarter.  But unlike last time, the stray cat was out there too.  (And to think, I had just mentioned that cat in a text today!)

The Redhead was the first to realize this exclaiming, "Helix!" as she has since decided she prefers this name.  I darted out to the cat I refer to by many names, varying from "Vivian" to "Harriet."  Then I dashed back to get my camera for proof.  The Redhead too came out.  During our short reunion, we noticed a spying cat, another neighborhood feline.

  We didn't stay long, and the stray was interested in seeing where the neighborhood girls were going, as they moved from door to door, interrupting other households as it neared eight at night.

We've seen the cat a few times since I posted about it.  One day, it walked up to the school, following children.  I told these little boys to stop coercing it, warning them it could get hit by a car, and the one boy smirked and said, "I know."  I wasn't amused.  I later saw the cat hanging out on the sidewalk right outside the school, allowing people to pet it.  The Redhead reported later that the cat finally did make it to the playground and came up to her and other children, but then some other boys starting playing rough with it and kicking it and it ran off.  I could see why the cat would be drawn to the school, a place of so many potential playmates, but so many dangers were there as well.  Many dangers a wee cat couldn't foresee.

When we returned inside tonight, Alexandra the Cat was waiting.  I think she knew we had been cheating on her with a neighborhood vagabond.  I had The Redhead wash her hands, not wanting to spread any potential germs or anything.  We know we don't want to encourage the stray to keep coming here, and we certainly won't be offering it a home, even as tempting as that could be.  After all, we have a cat.  And that's certainly enough.

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