Monday, December 9, 2013

Comfort and....

I made that last Friday on a whim.  I do that.  It wasn't completely spontaneous though.  It's something I've been meaning to do.  At least I had the idea for it...and the green board that once belonged in a closet around here.  I wanted the letters to be vertical, but they didn't quite fit that way, so horizontal it is.  Now where to hang it...

How to hang it...

I've been taking great joy in all the projects I've had time to do, even had the time to think of doing.  And instead of merely dreaming and writing them down and cramming them in, I can really pay them the attention they deserve.  (Most of the time though, they don't take much time to begin with.)  I had to run to Safeway today for a few extra things.  I forgot to buy butter when we did our Sunday night grocery shopping.  I also needed eggs and more cream cheese.  And after I paid for these items and walked out to my car with my Starbucks frap in my hand, I thought about how considerably fortunate I am to be able to afford such items, even if I only spent $10.14.  All this baking I've been doing has involved extra supplies.  And eggs here in California are far more expensive than in Kansas.  I'm fortunate I have the means and time to splurge on something my waistline doesn't even need, that wonderful joy in a Starbucks cup.  I'm lucky I've finally had this time to really bake.

I don't forget for a day how lucky of a person I am, especially this time of year.

And for whatever reason, I found myself in my kitchen today concocting some special treats, treats I had never made before.  But I wanted to make them anyway.

I have a tendency to be overzealous at times.

But I think I was inspired by two of my favorite seasonal splurges, and I couldn't wait.

Peppermint mocha frappuccinos and smelly soaps make me do crazy things.

I made some perfectly lovely gingersnaps.  They were perfect in every way.  The Redhead even thought they were tasty. And then just like that, I threw them in my awesome, loyal pal, Mr. Blender.  Just like the Oreos from last week, they deserved it.

I threw them in the mixer with some cream cheese, ginger, and cinnamon and then if that wasn't enough brutality, I tossed them in the refrigerator for an hour to think about what they did.  Whatever it is that they did.  Existing...that was their crime.

While the gingersnap remains were ostracized to the fridge, I started working on something else.  And then after I had those in the oven, I worked on yet again, something else.

A little ADHD?  Quite possibly.

And I couldn't do anything that was a one step process.  Mind blowing how many steps I ended up doing.  And I asked myself a few times if I realized what I had gotten myself into.  But I assured myself I had it all together.

But everything turned out beyond amazing.  And I'm so proud of each item, even if it left my kitchen a disaster zone.  And I was also a disaster zone.  But those messes were well earned.


And in case you're curious, they taste even better than their pictures.

So why all the treats at once?  Why shove gingerbread truffles, peppermint mocha cookies, and candy cane Hershey kiss cookies under Mister Man's coworker's noses all in one day?  (And when I ran out of kisses...I improvised another treat too...)  Well, Mister Man will be on a business trip part of this week, so I thought Tuesday's treats would cover us all through the week until I send new treats again for Friday.  I'm thinking ahead.  Just because he was going to be gone doesn't mean I can't bake for those days!

It's probably best for my stomach I won't be baking again until Thursday.  That will also give you some time to get over seeing all of those photographs.  I'm sorry!  I told you, I get overzealous at times.  And if you need recipes, just ask.  But a reminder...I'm not a food blogger, just a junkie.

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