Thursday, December 5, 2013

After today, I really needed some chocolate

I had my Christmas cards all ready to go.  I typed up my newsletter at least last week.  They were just waiting to be printed, folded and left for the postman.  I didn't want to mail them out too soon, but I wanted to mail them out early enough so people would remember we moved.

So it was time to print out that novel of a newsletter.  Four pages.  Two pages, front and back.  I've never typed up that much before!  I'm telling you now, I better never have the need to type that much again.  At least in a holiday letter.  But it was time to finally get these things out, regardless.

Nice thought.  Really.  Makes sense to me.

My printer had another idea.  Apparently he was hungry.  Famished, even.

I wrestled what I believed to be at least 15 pieces of printed paper out of him, in pieces.  Lots of tugging and crying going on.  Some screaming.  Sorry, Neighbors.  I punched the printer.  Hard.  Five times.  And then, curious if I had exaggerated, I went and counted the remains of the paper.  TWENTY FOUR.  Twenty four pieces of paper.  Printed paper.  Wasted!  And don't even get me started how on how long this took.  You really don't want to know.

I was beyond livid.  Beyond.  But I continued on through the desert, convinced I'd get to paradise eventually.

47 pieces of paper.  More screaming.  I even screamed once, "WHAT DO YOU HAVE AGAINST CHRISTMAS?!"  Yes, Neighbors, that was me.  And yeah, that came out of my mouth, screaming and punching inanimate objects.  My hand ended up purple.

I'm a scary person.

The death toll kept rising, so did my blood pressure.  Which fortunately, I have low blood pressure, so maybe it could use the help.  I needed some Valium, something fierce.  And a mallet.

I needed some self control.

And finally, it spit out all of it, all the while claiming it needed more ink.

Well, if you hadn't made me print out so many extras...

The last printer that wronged me also chose Christmastime to be naughty.  It also ended up with my foot through it and kicked across the front room.  It's safe to assume I have a wee bit of a temper.  Latent hostilities?  Quite possibly.  Anger issues, aplenty. 

So it's time to start looking into a new printer.  It was also time to finish out my first week of baking, this time seeking help of the Pinterestese.  Or at least, finally trying something I pinned a long time ago.

There were soooooooo many textures.

 I won't lie and tell you this was completely therapeutic and relaxing.  I was still high strung from the War of the Printer.  I accidentally put the cocoa in the pan with the melting butter, instead of with the dry goods.  I had to throw that batch out, which killed me.  There was also a bit of a disagreement with Mister Man for coming in and putting dirty dishes in my work space as I was simultaneously making cookies and dinner.  He didn't see what the big deal was.  I thought he was playing with fire.


But after taste testing these beauties and going through all these photos, I do feel like I just returned from therapy.  Well, if I actually went to therapy.

Who needs therapy?  I have chocolate.

And by the way, they taste like moist, lovely brownies.  Like a pan of brownies and some s'mores had a baby.  I'm so glad Mister Man is taking these to work.

I would eat these in a day.


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