Friday, April 11, 2014

It's coming up roses....

For a person that has never been a fan of roses, I sure do take a lot of photos of them.  Of course, having two dozen rose bushes in my Californian yard has certainly changed my perspective a bit of the thorned beauties.

I still don't like their scent, but there's something about the orange, yellow, and lavender ones.  Lavender.  Spring has gifted me colors and varieties I didn't know I had.  And what a surprise they are.  A yard of these petaled wonders.  Along with bulbs I planted in January and February.  My yard is so bright and cheerful.  And every time I step out into it, I get giddy all over again.  I need to step outside more often.  Every chance I get.  And just stare.  This obsession started last fall.  I couldn't believe how long they kept blooming.  And now it's my first spring here and I just keep gawking.  It's hard to believe someone had loved these roses for decades, and they're still here.  Blessing yet another family.

That doesn't mean that I'm suddenly in love with roses though.  I still don't like having a yard of thorns for my dogs.  Or The Redhead.  I'm still not fond of their scent.  I'm not suddenly one of those ladies with vases of fresh cut flowers sitting on her dining table, appearing lovely and classy.  No, I am not that person.  But I can appreciate a good view when I see one.  I can also admire the bright colors popping up in my yard on a daily basis.  I can appreciate Mother Nature's gifts when she gives them to me.  And I don't mind sharing that beauty from time to time.

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