Tuesday, November 26, 2013

I'm Thankful for Willpower...

For which I usually have none.  At least when it comes to sweet, yummy, delectable goodness.  The fresh baked kind.  The kind that is just begging to meet your mouth.

But if I'm going to play that 30.Days.of.Thankful.Facebook.game, I'd be grateful for willpower right about now.  At least I'm hoping I'll be grateful for willpower.  I'm hoping I don't break into the smelly wonderfulness that is sitting on my stove right about now.  I'm not playing that game though.  But I am still hoping for willpower.  I'm hoping it will save me.

When I was a teenager, this was never an issue.  I didn't get excited about sweet things or eat in excess.  Maybe because I would have rather starved than put anything in my mouth.  But at some point, sweet things became my friend, that friend that's sort of bad for you, but you don't care.  You love them anyway.  No matter what anyone says.  No matter what sort of trouble they get you into.  You love them.  Unconditionally.

But I didn't make these for me.  That's why I'm hoping my willpower will work with me.  I'm not worried about my waistline, only my intentions.  I made those pumpkin bars with cream cheese icing for Mister Man's office.  And with a little luck....maybe they'll make it there tomorrow morning.  Untouched.

I'm hoping Mister Man's willpower will be kind to them as well.

But I'm telling you, they're so tempting, Jezebels on my stove, smelling up the house better and faster than any of my Scentsy warmers, taunting me.  A temptress in a glass dish.  I'm grateful I'm watching a movie out tonight, because willpower is only going to take me so far with that aroma lurking.

It's only going to take me so far....

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