Sunday, March 9, 2014

A Tale of Two Toilets

Once upon a time, in Kansas, we had the most bizarre toilet in the world.  It looked like it had a bomb in the tank and it was called the Flushsaver 2000.  I would guess it was made some time in the 60s, if not earlier, but I honestly have no idea.  It was such an odd toilet, that not even the inspector had ever seen one, and he let us know he had been in A LOT of houses.  A plumber once glanced inside it too and he also had never seen such a phenomenon.  It was the most difficult toilet in the world, and up to the point of meeting such a beast, I never knew toilets really mattered, except using them.  But they do matter.  And although most people don't care about your toilet in your home, they cared about that one.  Because they couldn't figure out the secret to flushing it.  

And somehow, I don't have any pictures of that strange toilet.

Luckily, we replaced the toilet with a Kohler one, a taller one, a more efficient one.  An elongated one.  I loved that it used less water and was better for the environment and our water bill.  Mister Man liked that it was taller.  And newer.  We both liked that no one would ask us how to flush our toilet again.

But this post isn't about that toilet.  Or the weird one with the bomb in the tank.  This is about two toilets in California.  That we now own.  

Because up until switching out the toilet in Kansas, we never knew toilets could matter.  But they do.  And we've missed our highly efficient, taller, elongated toilet that's still in Kansas with our tenant.  I mean, it's not like we could pack it along.  That just wouldn't have made sense.  But we miss it all the same.  Because the toilets that came in this house are shorter, rounder, and not efficient at all.  They require jiggling the handle.  And listening to make sure they're not still making noise.  You would think we'd just be happy enough finally having more than one bathroom here in California, versus how we lived in Kansas.  


But now they're in our backyard, sprucing up the place.  


And we are now sitting much prettier.  



Sure, no one probably cares about our newer, taller, more efficient, elongated toilets, but we do.  And that's all that matters.  And they probably shouldn't have to worry about jiggling the handles.  Or sitting on a tacky wooden toilet seat in our bathroom.


And most of all, the cat has new boxes to play with.  

Just between you and me, thank goodness it's recycling week.  Please don't tell the cat.

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