Thursday, January 29, 2015

I remembered a couple things....

My brain is constantly overwhelmed.  Just now while sitting here concocting a list of things that aren't even important enough to share, I remembered I left off the new toilets in our annual newsletter.  Why do these matter?  I have no idea.  But along with things we did to our home, we replaced both toilets with high efficiency ones.  That are also taller. And elongated. And cleaner.

We also put in my most favorite update- my beautifully organized office closet.  How that didn't make it in the newsletter?  I'll never know.

Then again, in last year's four page craziness of a newsletter, I left out visiting with old family friends on their boat in Florida on St. Patrick's Day.  That was a huge slight if I've ever known of one.  Of course, 2013 was a crazy year, so it's reasonable I had left something out.

I also failed to mentioned in our 2014 newsletter that our tenant in Kansas was moving out, but well, that's about four posts' worth of babble right there.  And I didn't forget to mention that.  I chose not to.

The point of this though is that these things suddenly and randomly pop into my head, and as our new tenant is learning, I HAVE TO TELL YOU RIGHT THEN or I'll get so distracted I will never get around to it.

You can't expect me to remember everything, right?  Well, maybe you can, people often do.  And that's....overwhelming and doesn't help in the problems I already have.  My brain is constantly overwhelmed.  And then I end up blogging some random post with things that no one really ever cares about.  But that's okay.  I didn't do it for you or for them.  I did it for me.  Because it makes me less overwhelmed.

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