Wednesday, April 29, 2015

The Afghan That Started it All

Our school carnival was on Saturday.  It was to be a chaotic morning, starting at our softball game and then dashing to the carnival before the silent auction part ended at 1:15.  And then it rained the night before and left standing water on our softball fields.  We couldn't be more thrilled because it meant we didn't have to dash ANYWHERE.  We could just casually arrive.

And so we did.

We made it to the auction with plenty of time to spare and yes, we won something.  A couple things actually.  But this is the item that mattered.

First off, who couldn't use more blankets????

Even when it's 89 degrees out.  Fortunately, The Redhead inherited my love of blankets.

But not only that....her class crocheted this blanket.  That's right.  I'm serious.

Even The Redhead worked on it.

And while it may not be perfect when it comes to every stitch....

It couldn't be more perfect for us.  And especially The Redhead.

What'd we spend?  Pssh. Like I'll tell you.  It's from a silent auction.  And most importantly, it's from a fundraiser.

And the importance runs even deeper than all of that.

I was there in their classroom helping them work on it, crocheting with love, their amateur skills.  Right along with my own amateur skills, as I learned how to crochet using YouTube videos just so I could help them.

I'm serious.

As serious as serious can be.  I started crocheting all because of this afghan.

Because the class was learning to crochet and how wrong would it be if my kid is crocheting before I am????

And so I am now crocheting.  And it's become an obsession.  I'm finally sitting still watching movies...with my family, even....all because I have yarn and a crochet hook.  I wish I had had known years ago how great of a hobby crocheting is for a fidgeter like myself.  And the best part?  I learned how using one of Mister Man's grandmother's hook.  (Although I've since bought some different sizes.)

And I hear it's pretty great for making Gryffindor scarves too.  
(The strings weren't tucked in yet in that above photo.)

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