Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Easter Hunting at Target

I actually thought I wanted this blog to stop featuring shopping trips, as it was sort of boring me.  A LOT.  And I wanted this blog to be more about my writing and my thoughts, and less all that petty stuff.  I know you probably disagree, and that's your right.  But it's MY blog.  And that's what is really important.

But, if you can't tell, I haven't exactly been sharing as many of my thoughts as I was hoping, as I've been distracted working on other things and pinning me down in a chair is harder than one might think.  But shopping isn't.  And as a creature of habit, I did indeed go chasing Easter merchandise 90% off.  It happened a day we had a softball game, so I didn't go out first thing that morning, as I thought The Redhead's game was far more a priority.  So once we gathered ourselves from the game, had lunch, we did manage to head to our red bulls-eye (or a few of them).

And please keep in mind that my shopping trips aren't about buying things.  Or even taking pictures of such finds.  Or the cat.  It's all about that glorious hunt.  And this time, The Redhead and Mister Man joined me.

And I suppose you might say we found some items.

Even the cat was interested.

I also stocked up on plastic Easter eggs.  Just in case.  We *might* be in Hawaii next Easter, so we might not have an Easter party next year, but in case we do....I'm prepared.

I also bought some baskets if we should indeed have an Easter hunt/party in the future.  They were only a quarter each, so if we don't have a party next year, no big deal.

I love stocking up on dog toys when they're so cheap.  We had an abundance of dog toys, and then suddenly we didn't.  And I'm about to pitch even more of them, so I figured it wouldn't hurt to pick up some spares.

I really, really, really wish I had picked up more crayons.  I had the opportunity and I didn't.  I'm so ashamed.  I'm still kicking myself for that.

That stupid Olaf head brought me SO much joy.  I laughed so hard as I was carrying his head by the handle throughout the store like I had beheaded him or something.  Gosh, I'm still cracking up.

I didn't actually need anymore wreaths...but that didn't stop me from hanging this on my front door.  In fact, it's there now.

Only one store didn't go to 90% off that Saturday, so I had the pleasure of hitting it the next morning.  And I was the ONLY person shopping in the clearance so I had everything to myself.  I felt oh, so guilty, but not guilty enough to not enjoy myself.

 Keep in mind, not all of these came from one store.  And we use these for classroom prizes.

Yeah, still kicking myself over the crayons.  Darn it.

I didn't actually find any cat toys this time around, but the cat is crazy about those wind up bunnies and chicks.

The cat was obsessed with my haul this time around.

I was really excited about that banner!

I think my hunting expedition paid off.

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