Thursday, June 26, 2014

Celebrity Baby Names: Retrieved

I just happened upon an awesome link which reminded me of something I typed up back in 2007, which was actually something I had written eons prior.  Funny how this keeps being relevant.  

The article I read today that reminded me of this degree of awesome:

One night, many ages ago, I spent a night of boredom (well, avoiding my to-do list) just listing random names I felt could be spawn names, celebrity-style.  Per usual, I write EVERYTHING down and then lose it.  I just now came across these as I was tearing up my computer room searching for something important. 

Please note: Spelling is deliberate

Alien Germia
Analia Lobster Fiend
Analius Lobsterfiend
Ann Bolyn Asphault
Baratone Genius
Barren Gaim
Behaviour Glum
Blasphemy Holden
Blayton Hymn
Bloody Julius
Blythe Temptation
Bolivia Brew
Bold Illusion Grier
Brain Grey
Bullet Craig
Cable Inspector
Caffeine Sunrise
Calone Monarch
Calamine Jaw
Calgon Ulysses
Callena Vage
Cane Nucleus
Caspian Witchhazel
Catatonic State
Catastrophe London
Cauldron Serenade
Clammia Verses
Cola Breeze
Coilla Brain
Colera Bagelle
Cornea Hoffa
Corynth Messiah
Cougar Glutony
Creation Joy
Crimson Flairgun
Cruz Havanna
Crymony Lexus
Cure Melanoma
Cuhr Melanoma
Delilah Hairyn
Dubbya Cavanaugh
Einstein Franklin
Engston Howe
Enri Shogun
Exodus Luther
Fabi Tryst
Flynt Ryder
Free Germa
French Traitor
Gardenia Blossom
Gatsby Fairchild
Gatsby Lorraine
Gatsby Rose
Gear Hefner
Geno Retreat
Gorge Blyme
Hannibal Brains
Hannibal Butcher
Harlem Butcher
Harmon Liar
Harmonia Violet
Harmonica Craize
Harpo Ingrid
Harvard Gradium
Havanna Cruz
Helicopter Zeus
Hermione Cauliflower
Heroine Drama
Heroine Nuclean
Hocus Creature Plye
Imagine Jade
Ingrid Haloby
Jahosaphat Crayonne
Jargon Grafittis
Jelly Beetlejuice
Jenius Kraft
Jensen Hercules
Jesus Phlegm
Jezebella Thong
Jonesy Pear
Jordache Creases
Josie Moonflower
Julien Marcum Zombie
Julietta Suicide
Karma Cream
Koda Zachariah Thumb
Koolaid Catchall
Lega Mengalez
Lion Nervosa
Lithium Mercury
Loch Ness Boden
Lube Judas Escobar
Lucifer Kreton
Madame Curie Bones
Magesty Louis
Malone Skye
Maracino Cherry Crane
Marlon Capote
Mathias Opium
Maxxus Chromosome
Minute Jolie
Monotone Xavier
Moses Chronicles
Myrna Smyle
Nazianna Jewel
Nerf Blasterfiend
Nerve Ovine
Nola Tutelage
Nuclear Morraine
Ocean Err
Odoriferous Rox
Omen Opiate Lou
Periwinkle Petroleum
Peruse Chezmo
Placenta Borealis
Plasma Neutron
Pluto Necessitates
Plymoth Nolte
Powell Loader
Price Vogue
Query Road
Reedus Aerial
Ripper Pullian Reed
Rocket Crustacean
Secret Damnation
Sesame Serene
Sharona Juliet
Sherlock Petridish
Shotgun Cheney Swedes
Siren Masquerade
Skeletor Buzz
Springer Spelling
Stream Coil
Thor Pancreas
Tippy Crow
Titus Catholicism
Traveler Zane
Travesty Caire
Trifecta Joi
Trimble Lavene
Tuesday Crimshaw
Ulna Valle
Unbar Sesame
Urban Crawl
Urinytta Shower
Vane Lestrata
Vegana Paige
Vizer Graham
Voit Stronghold Fisher
Zacheus Weigh
Zander Plague
Zepellin Sherlock
Zookeepr Status

Wednesday, June 25, 2014

The Fault in Sad Movies

Two weeks ago, I thought about writing a post called, "Just Another Mom's Night Out."  I never actually wrote it, but I had the title in mind.  The momentary thought was inspired by this silly little movie I saw and how even though that movie was cheesy like an 80's film, and perhaps had more religious elements and wholesome qualities than I expected, I enjoyed its simplicity.  I liked being trapped in my theater seat laughing to the point of tears, even if I never wanted anyone to know I actually paid to see it.  Regardless, I had a good time, just how I like spending my Tuesday nights.  Would it ever be an Oscar contender?  Of course not.  But sometimes, I just enjoy sitting alone in a movie, laughing, having a good time.  Then I go home.  Happy.  Smiling.  And go about my life again.

I haven't always been this way.

Once upon a time, I wanted to watch only enriching films.  Deeply enlightening films.  Films that changed your life, films that changed mine.  Films that moved you to depths you didn't know you could go.  Films, that sometimes, no one had ever heard of.  I was the girl who watched every independent film.  I attempted to make it to every single Oscar nominee, even the foreign ones.  I liked the morose.  The witty.  The charming.  The engaging.  The well acted.  The whimsy.  I rarely ever truly watched the big budget films.  I saved those for everyone else.  And the gag movies with gas jokes?  Forget about it.  I was too classy for those.  I needed something much more intellectually stimulating than that.

And then something happened.  I'm not sure what.  But one day, I found that the morose wasn't fun for me anymore.  That perhaps I didn't want to continue watching every single war movie on the big screen.  That I kind of liked just silly comedies.  I still liked independent films with dry humor that few people understand.  I still watched movies few people have ever heard of.  I still enjoyed the clever films, the well written films.  But I didn't like movies that made me cry.  I didn't even like them a little.  In fact, if I left the movie afterwards with a damp face and an hour drive of contemplation, I wasn't a thrilled critic.  I stopped going to the theater for enrichment.  I started going merely for entertainment, aside from particular Oscar films.

And I was happier for it.

I found that I no longer wanted to tap into that emotional realm inside of me.  In fact, I despised doing so.  I hated opening that Pandora's box of emotions.  It was complete and utter misery.  It was easier when I didn't know what pain was.  It was easier when I was numb from depression.  It became more difficult when I was aware of my emotions, aware of my surroundings, aware of my choices.  I no longer wanted to expose myself in that way.  It was more than just me being embarrassed to admit I am capable of crying just like the next girl.  It was more than just pretending I didn't have tear stained cheeks.  It was about choosing to go through self mutilation, choosing the companionship of a Dementor.  And deciding I'd rather not.

It's like when the Dementors have a greater influence over Harry Potter, rather than everyone else, because Harry has known true pain and suffering in his life.  And well, once you know what it feels like, you really don't like being reminded of it, let alone going through it all over again.

And you definitely don't feel like paying the movie theater for that sense of despondency.

I used to find myself writing equally saddening pieces.  I knew a couple people who encouraged me to continue to tap into that great source.  They considered it a gold mine.  But I discovered that it was an even greater abyss, one that once I dove into, I found myself drowning.  I found myself buried.  I feared that I could never recover from it.  Sure, there was much potential and I did find myself able to add an extra layer to my works.  But I also found myself scared to death of myself and those feelings.  I found myself fearing my capabilities.  I found myself realizing that the person before her, the person she became would never, ever read the things should could write.  They weren't funny.  They weren't enjoyable.  And as beautifully haunting as they could be, she felt they were better left buried than shared.  It wasn't worth selling her soul or losing herself to write them.  And no one needed to read them.  The world needs less sadness, not more.

I don't like to read a lot of sad books either.  I'm not sure if it's because of the tear-contaminated pages of library books.  It's possible, as that's a level of intimacy I don't want to share with anyone, let alone another patron of the library.  But most of all, I find this adult version of myself wanting to escape to the silly side of life, to the lighter side of life, far more than she'd like to tread through the dark.  She doesn't blame tonight's movie.  She blames her choice.  The fault wasn't in the stars.  The fault was in the sad, depressing genre of a film that she was all too aware that she would never enjoy.  Because if you want to escape life for a bit, that's not the way to do it.

Monday, June 23, 2014

Snorkeling in the Backyard

Over eleven years ago, we were married in Jamaica and every single day of our trip, we went snorkeling at least once.  Even the day we were married.  Not even wedding hair and makeup could keep me from snorkeling.  It wasn't something we could do once back in Kansas, but now we feel as though we can snorkel in our own backyard.

Probably because we have been.

And, well, it's nice being able to do such.

How?  Well, it's not traditional snorkeling, but that doesn't seem to be stopping The Redhead.  She's been armed with her gear and just keeps going after her little diving fishies.  It's cute.

I'm so glad Mister Man set this pool up.  Of course, it's not like it's a real pool.  It's only an Easy Set sort of pool, the ten feet kind.  But it's still a type of pool, and she seems to be having an awesome time in it.

Also, this little guy seemed to like The Redhead's swimsuit that was drying out on the patio.

We decided he could stay outside.  And so we put the swimsuit there too waiting for him to leave.  He refused.  Finally, Mister Man dumped him in some flowers.  We didn't care where he went.  As long he stayed outside.

 As for The Redhead?  Well, she likes being outside right now too.

99 Reasons: Addictions are Hard

I feared my blog was becoming 99 Reasons for my Addiction, so while I may not have posted such since last Wednesday, well, it doesn't mean I haven't been shopping.

And, well, that's just sad.

So, I wanted to stop by this particular location.  We don't get there very often.  Luckily, I found hula hoops, which I actually needed.  Sponges were also on my shopping list.  And mouthwash.  Mister Man wanted super glue and an extra USB cord for our I-Phones.  And the Fruity Pebbles.  Lofthouse cookies from the refrigerator section? Well, those were bonus.  I was a bit grossed out since they're from Easter time.  The Redhead kept saying they were fine, but I'm still sleeping with one eye open.

I found the peanut butter Cap'n Crunch bars recently for Mister Man as a snack for his office.  He gladly took these as well.  The nail polish was something The Redhead and I wanted to try.  By the way, the cashier was right.  It's hard to use.  As nail polish, it's fine.  But you're supposed to hold this magnet to your nails for 15 seconds and it's supposed to make a design.  Um, okay.  Sure it does...

Like we needed another pair of sunglasses.  But they were awesome!  And I can always use more of that pie dough.  Skinny Girl line filler?  Okay, I'll try it.  And taco dinner kits that don't expire until late August?  Yes, please!  We have tacos in some way, shape, or form each Tuesday.  These will definitely be used!

I'm not sure about the vitamins, but when I find things there to try, I usually get two.  I do this because I never assume I will find that particular item again.  As for two doggy chews?  Well, we have two furry beasts.

Also, I walked back into the living room thinking a dog threw up.

Nope, something had escaped from my bag.  Oops.  Guess we won't be trying those.

I found that face mask and couldn't find another one.  We needed cups for The Redhead's party.  And I've already been informed by Mister Man and The Redhead that I'm not allowed to wear that hat.  I'm not sure I agree with them yet.  But I did buy it for the pets....

I always see the Axe displays.  I didn't realize they also had shaving foam though.  Mister Man is still well set on shaving foams for quite some time.  I stocked up months and months ago using coupons and making them very cheap, even free.  But it never hurts to have a couple more, right?

And then tonight, I found these.  I can't eat the cheese, but I'm looking forward to trying them anyway (just without using the cheese).  I'm sure I'll be back tomorrow.  I can't seem to stay away....

Sunday, June 22, 2014

Just what the doctor ordered...

I had a lot of sketches in my party notebook, and this design is a watered down version of all of them.  Because that's what The Redhead wanted.  I could have made a lot of invitations for her, ones much more complicated, but this was the one she loved.  I wasn't even allowed to tweak the fonts.

However, obviously the real version we made doesn't have blank spots.  Our address, phone number and all of that is on the version going to her friends.  But for public viewing, I drew a few blanks.  Just for you.  All for you.

If she's happy, I'm happy.  She's my client after all, as well as my child.  But I do treat her as my client in this case because it's her party.  She's only going to have one tenth birthday.  And I'm the lucky mother who gets to plan it for her.

Wednesday, June 18, 2014

99 Reasons: Wednesday's Wonders

While coming back from the beach on Sunday, we stopped by the 99 cent store in Vacaville.  We've never been, so we were curious.  The last few trips to the 99 cent store haven't been too exciting.  And I didn't even go yesterday, although I wondered if I would regret it.  The Redhead and I stopped by after our $1 Despicable Sequel movie today.  (We love watching cheap summer movies in the theaters.)  That trip was worth it.  The movie and the store.  

I even bought a little watermelon.  For a $1!  And my plants should be well fertilized for a week or two.  And this is strange to admit, but I recently had a dream where I was buying Newtons from the 99 Cent Store.  I hate confessing that to you because it sounds weird in so many ways, but it's true.  And those tater tots?  They're mini tater tots!  I had no idea such a thing existed.

The only problem is this: my freezer is so packed that I had to stack items into where we store the ice.  It's that bad.  No freezer shopping for us for a bit.

We had to run out for something so we stopped by the 99 cent store close to our house.  I'm so glad we did!  We ran into The Redhead's friend.  Her mother and sister were also wearing minion shirts so we made such an awesome foursome.  This was also my first time running into someone I recognize in a store out here.  Which means I haven't bumped into someone I know for almost a year.  It's very odd.

My favorite part of this shopping trip, aside from running into The Redhead's friend was finding all of these Delifresh meats!  We have bought several packages of these recently, and they weren't for a $1.  Yeah, I won't lie.  We stocked up.  We shoved five packages into our designated drawer in the fridge.

Yeah, it was a Wonderful Wednesday for shopping.  And after running into her friend, The Redhead now has plans tomorrow for an afternoon play date. Wonders, indeed.

Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Be Our Guest

Our house guests left a week ago.  We miss them already.

And I'm not typing that just because my mother-in-law reads this blog.  I'm being honest and serious.

 Also, I can finally share what our guest room looks like.  I hadn't wanted to post it on the blog until after they arrived, since, well, she does read it.  And we wanted it to be a surprise for them.  Not because it was really a surprise, but well, we didn't want them to know quite what to expect.  And they were going to be our first guests, so it felt only right that they got to see it first, before anyone else.  Aside from my friend, A.  Texting pictures to her shouldn't count.

I'm fairly certain we mentioned once to my in-laws it would be map themed.  Originally, it was going to have numbers bedding, as we fell in love with mathematically themed bedding from The Land of Nod, but that was back when there was a chance the office and guest room would be combined, depending on the house we bought.  We lucked out with this house and my map and travel obsession grew.  I finally had even more of an excuse to purchase travel themed items.  Not that I ever really cared about an excuse before.  I'm drawn to maps, globes, and anything European.

By the way, we love to travel.

I couldn't have come up with a better theme or design for our guest room.  The cat thinks it's her room, but we would like our guests to think otherwise.

I know this won't be hard to believe, but it was so tough to give up that light switch cover.

Home Depot likes to call this color perfect taupe.  I can see why.  I also used part of this gallon of paint for the office closet before we added shelving.  And I still have some left for any future touch-ups.

When painting, I wouldn't recommend doing it when you have bronchitis, but I do this weird thing when I'm sick.  I decide to do a million things, just to test my body.  It's also as though I'm nesting.  Mister Man was on a business trip when I painted this room, otherwise, I wouldn't have gotten away with it.

So....not only was this room white, but it once had some pink.  And before that some mustard yellowish/ olive green color.  Wallpaper was also seen in this room.  I feel for those poor walls.  They've been through a lot.

Once I had the walls finished, I had to finally start working on my decor.  I bought that asperand months prior on clearance from the Hobby Lobbyists.  Unfortunately, hot pink with peace signs just didn't go with my decor.  A little paint to the rescue.  For $1.60, I didn't mind putting some paint on it.

I'd had an idea for a gallery wall for quite some time.  The challenge and concern was if everything I owned or wanted to own would fit.  Also, this is how I discovered that wrapping paper is a great tool for such a project.  It's thin enough for easy cutting and light enough for taping.

 The paper I used also had the lines on the back.  I wish I had used this in the living room when I did that gallery wall, rather than leftover cardboard pieces.  Oh well.

 I had so much fun putting it together.  And it's still unfinished, as I did such an awesome job with placement, I have the room for future things, just as I had hoped.  However, I still haven't found the frames I want for framing foreign currency and postcards leftover from past trips.  These things take time.  I can relish in what's already on the wall, and look forward to watching it evolve.

I love everything about it.  

I also added little touches.  I put photos of the grandparents in a couple frames I was going to use for the room, just to see if anyone would notice.  And to make them feel like they belonged.  The photos are from our trip with them in Florida last spring.  That suitcase was a curb find.  True story.  The little ladder I put it on was found inside our other house when we first bought it.  I also had painted it eleven years ago, mixing the paint color myself.

Making the bed seemed to be the hardest part in getting the guest room ready.  A certain little feline thought she needed to assist me.  This is why I waited to do this just mere hours before they arrived.

I put some goodies together for them.  I'm not going to list everything, because well, that's between them...and us.  And I wouldn't necessarily do these same things for all guests.  But they had freshly laundered brand new towels.  And I put sunscreen in the basket because I didn't trust my father-in-law would bring some.  He didn't.  And he did use it.  Every single day.

I saved that out of the newspaper from a while back.  I thought it was awesome.

I also put their key there.  When we first talked about moving and having a space for guests, I knew we'd have a guest key, because I didn't want to worry about anyone feeling like they needed to worry about our schedules.  Nor did I want to worry about the same.  Because I will.

I also waited to put these items out until shortly before they arrived because I do not trust our pets.

Any wrinkles in the bed kept appearing, no thanks to a wee cat.

They gave us that map themed dresser, so it only seemed appropriate that it was in their room.  I also left the bottom two drawers empty.  They're not large drawers, but I wanted them to feel like they had some space and weren't just invading ours.  Because they weren't.  The top drawer had California tourist information that we had collected.

I made these using a California geophysical wall decal set I bought from Pottery Barn Kids last year.  Mister Man hadn't even found the house yet, so I had to send it to his office.  The decals have a wallpaper like paste on the back and you have to get the backs wet.  That was tougher than I had expected.  I used canvases from Michael's.  Eyelets from the 99 Cent Store.  And rope I had used for a banner.  I was so proud of how it turned out.

 What's in the gift bag isn't important.  What is important is that it's map themed.  I almost danced a jig when I found it at Tuesday Morning.  This is a small room, so I had to use the space quite wisely.  I also use this room for crafting, so I gain space by pushing the queen sized bed against the wall.  But for our guests, I wanted them both to be able to access their sides of the bed easily.  This table was given to me from my aunt and uncle.  My Uncle K had refinished this piece, a table that had been passed down through the family.  I didn't know where it would go, and I often have guilt that I use it as a sewing table, but you know, it sort of makes sense.  In this case though, I left it out, blocking the crafting side of the closet.  (I left part of the closet available for hanging some clothes.)  I figured there was a chance they might get some use from it and it saved me from shoving it out in the garage.  I also left out the Entertainment Books for San Francisco and Sacramento in case they could use them.

But my favorite part was still MY wall.  A special thanks to Mister Man for putting all of the art up.  He was especially fond of my TRAVEL I cut out of an old map and placed inside a Dollar Tree frame.  He also liked my five pound British note I framed.  The stuffed bear was from his childhood, a worn toy with many patches, a toy that once traveled across the country multiple times with him during his youth.  A toy that we still have, only because The Redhead has insisted.

 The mints are almost a long running joke.

My mother-in-law also happened to be flying in on her birthday.  Could you imagine? A long flight on your birthday?!

So we made sure we had some gluten-free cupcakes from Trader Joe's waiting for her.

My mother-in-law discovered my hidden surprises in a drawer.  I couldn't resist leaving some literature.  Because I like adding little touches.  It's what I do.  Please forgive my terrible picture, and my lengthy descriptions.  I hope they felt comfortable while they were here.  It can be terrifying staying with someone.  It can also be worrisome when someone's staying with you.  I wanted to alleviate as much of that as possible.  I thought by giving them just a little space that maybe it would help them feel as though they were welcome.  It also helped ease my mind.  I think that would be my advice to anyone.  It doesn't matter what the room looks like or how large it is.  It's about creating as much comfort with as little as you have.  Giving up a bit of space in the cabinet.  Picking up some of their groceries.  Putting out a few pamphlets or business cards of local joints.  I believe those things mean far more than designer bedding.  Although I'm glad we went with a bed and not a couch.

I love our guest space and it's waiting for them when they eventually return.  Which can be anytime, really.  Because we miss them.  Already.