Cats aren't supposed to like water. Or so goes the stereotype of cats hating water. And this one didn't appear to be a lot different. I have scars on my chest (yes, there) from when Mister Man caught me holding the cat and told me I should take her in to see The Redhead in the tub and the cat saw the water and then I felt the claws. And I bled. A lot. Through my shirt. So like most cats, she didn't want to be drowned in a tub either.
Yet, she has a new-found fascination with our shower. After I shower, she came in to lick the shower floor. So gross. So, so gross. Luckily I clean it a few times a week. But then she has been sleeping on the rug afterwards. The wet shower mat. And it doesn't seem to faze her.
Not in the slightest.
I have a slight feeling I will end up with a whole bunch of cat-in-the-shower photos. And that shouldn't surprise anyone.